Questions are helpful

I was reading Clair Amos' latest blog (dated 4 Oct 2015)  tonight.  She is talking about a way she combines the NZC Teacher as Inquiry Model on TKI to a design thinking model from Stanford University and putting the two together.  She offers a large collection of resources in her blog post, including how she rolled out this initiative to her staff, but there are a couple of ideas that struck me more than others, maybe this is because it is 10:30pm, but expedience is high on my priority right now.  The first was a recent presentation she gave at a conference and the second was a professional reading she suggested Spiral of Inquiry.

At first I thought that the idea of merging the two models: NZC and Design Thinking together was redundant, they both achieve the same end and as I was familiar with the NZC model, I initially didn't think it worthy of delving but two ideas struck me early in my exploration of her post which made me change my mind. 
  1. The NZC model is micro and so very classroom based.  Great for the teacher, difficult to use as a leadership tool in a whole school setting
  2. Design thinking is what swells the NZC model to a whole school leading change approach for a leader to create widespread change of student outcomes in a school.

I liked the Spiral of Inquiry resource for the explicit explanations of what professional inquiry is and isn't and a raft of useful questions you could use to lead you in the right direction of your inquiry.

So, both of these nuggets will cause me to go back to this post and delve some more...perhaps not at this time of the night though.



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